Question: A brother from the Philippines asks, "One of the methods used in converting Muslims to Christianity in the Philippines nowadays is, that material and spiritual help is given by priests to the Imaam of the masjid and his particular group. In return, the Christian priest is allowed to give a weekly talk to a mixture of Muslims and Christians instead of the Friday Khutbah, What can we do to deal with this?"
Response: It is incumbent upon those who are in positions of responsibility amongst the Muslims, scholars and so forth, to intervene and to stop these people achieving their goals. They must expend what they can in order to help the Muslims and to remove the need for them to turn to their enemy for help. They must be aware of the schemes and plots of the enemy and encourage patience in such situations and urge the Muslims to be distant from their enemies and not to mix with them nor to listen to their sermons because they call to the fire while the people of Islaam call to paradise.
The Muslim possessed of faith must be steadfast and anticipate Allaah's reward in his affliction. He must be patient with whatever hardship or need might afflict him until he finds relief from it. It is for the other Muslims to support, be charitable and do good to those Muslims who are in need, cooperating and helping in anyway they can, even it is with something small. When small amounts are added together they multiply and become large. If one person provides what he can and another whatever he is able, in this way great good can be accumulated. Muslims in need can then benefit from it and become independent from their enemies who are always ready and waiting for a calamity to befall the Muslims and who spend their wealth in order to lead them to the Fire. We ask Allaah for safety from it!
It is also important that the leaders of the Muslim minorities and their helpers write to those who they consider to be benevolent and to clarify to them the needs of their poor brothers. They should also seek help from the leaders of Islaamic centres and organisations in order that cooperation might be to the fullest. Everyone must cooperate in what is good and righteous and in providing lawful sustenance, which will help them in obedience to Allaah in their own countries. They should give importance to earning through industry that will benefit them or through any other wholesome work that will free them from dependence upon their enemies.
In an authentic hadeeth the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said:
«Strive for what benefits you, seek help from Allaah, and do not be impotent and incapable».
The believer should, therefore, move and strive to obtain his provision in a lawful way in order that he frees himself from the need to turn to Allaah's enemy for help.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz
al-Aqalliyaat al-Muslimah - Page 28, Fatwa No.3
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